Burnside Heights Recreation Reserve
115 Tenterfield Drive
Burnside Heights VIC 3023
AusKick provides boys and girls with a fun and safe Australian Football experience that serves as an introduction to a lifetime of involvement in the game.
The program is not just about introducing children to Australian Football – it activates and develops within each child the desire for a healthy lifestyle and an association with our great game.
The Burnside Heights AusKick Centre has strong ties to the Burnside Heights Football Club with the junior coaches visiting the AusKick Centre during the year and assisting the AusKick coaches and interacting with the children.
AusKick children and their families are also welcome to attend junior games of the Bears during the season and half time grid games will be organised by the Bears at their Home games during the season.
Contact Ana on 0410 214 150 or email info@bhfcbears.com.au
Burnside Heights Recreation Reserve
115 Tenterfield Drive
Burnside Heights VIC 3023
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Copyright © Burnside Heights Bears Football Club
site by mulcahymarketing.com.au